What Age Is It Easier To Parent? – NurtureSalade Blog!

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Parenthood – One of the most unique and beautiful moment a loving couple can have. It offers plenty of joy and excitement as the child goes through their different life stages.

But looking toward the other side, it is also punctuated by challenges.

From sleepless nights to teenage rebellion, the responsibilities that come along with raising a child often lead parents to wonder: What age is it easier to parent?

If you are also wondering about the same question, it’s time to put your worries aside.

Today, in this article, we are going to discuss the answer to your question.

So, without waiting any longer, let’s get started!

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What Age Is It Easier To Parent?

It isn’t easy to pinpoint a specific age at which parenting becomes easier. The reason is that each stage of a child’s development comes with its own unique challenges and joys.

Parenting demands CHANGE, as the children grow they require different approaches and adjustments from their parents.

Some parents may find certain stages easier to deal with than others based on their individual experiences, temperament, and the child’s personality.

For your understanding let’s discuss the challenges you can face at each age.

After going through all that, you can conclude easily which age is easier for you to parent.

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Infancy (0-2 years)

Infancy, spanning from birth to around two years of age.

It is often characterized by countless challenges and adjustments for new parents.

The reason behind it is that infants have irregular sleeping patterns. They often wake up multiple times during the night for feeding or comfort.

Due to this reason, sleep deprivation becomes a significant challenge for parents. The constant interruptions to sleep can lead to fatigue, irritability, and difficulties in performing daily tasks.

With that, establishing and maintaining feeding schedules is crucial for an infant’s growth and healthy development.

However breastfeeding or formula feeding demands frequent and regular feeding sessions, typically every two to three hours.

This relentless cycle can be exhausting.

Mothers, especially, may experience additional physical strain from breastfeeding.

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Moreover, having an infant doesn’t mean that their demands and finances are quite low.

In fact, infancy comes with a range of expenses related to essential baby items such as diapers, clothing, and feeding supplies.

The cost of these necessities can strain the family budget.

With that, for workaholic parents, the cost of daycare or hiring a nanny adds additional finances.

What Age Is It Easier To Parent?
Image via The Craft Wonder

Toddlerhood (2-5 years)

Toddlers undergo progress in language development during this stage. They begin to acquire vocabulary rapidly, often learning new words daily.

As a parent, you play a crucial role in advancing language skills by engaging in conversations, reading books, and using descriptive language.

Apart from that, one significant objective during this stage is toilet training. This process can be both rewarding and challenging for parents.

It requires patience, consistency, and encouragement to help the child learn bladder and bowel control.

Toddlers often express their frustration and assert their independence through defiant behavior. As toddlers assert their independence, they may resist parental guidance and insist on doing things their way.

These outbursts can be emotionally challenging for parents.

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Image via Vlada Karpovich

School Age (6-12 years)

As children progress through primary school, the complexity of homework tends to increase.

Parents often find themselves tasked with supervising and assisting their children with completing assignments, which can be demanding, especially if the parent manages other responsibilities such as work or household responsibilities.

Balancing these activities with academic responsibilities can be challenging for both children and parents, requiring careful planning and time management.

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Image via Julia M Cameron

Adolescence (13-18 years)

As adolescents struggle for independence, they may exhibit rebellious behavior which can manifest in various forms, such as defiance against parental rules, questioning authority figures, or engaging in risky behaviors to test boundaries.

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At this age, children increasingly turn to their peers for validation and support. This is because they want to prioritize peer relationships over family.

And so, peer pressure plays a significant role during this period, influencing decisions related to clothing, hobbies, and social activities.

At this stage, you may find it challenging to communicate effectively.

Not only that, adolescents face important decisions regarding their education, including selecting courses, considering college options, and planning future career paths.

Parents may encounter resistance when attempting to guide their teenagers in academic matters. Contrarily, they may assert independence by making decisions based on peer influence rather than parental advice.

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Empty Nesting (Post-18 years)

As children reach adulthood, you can have a delicate balance between offering guidance and allowing them to explore independence.

It involves changing from a hands-on approach to a more advisory role.

This shift requires parents to trust the values and skills instilled in their children during upbringing.

Empty Nesting doesn’t imply an end to parental responsibilities but rather a change.

You may continue to find yourself offering support in different ways, whether it’s emotional encouragement during challenging times, financial assistance with education or housing, or simply being a sounding board for your children’s aspirations and concerns.

But exactly there would be a good change!

When children are grown and become more independent, you may find yourself with more time and freedom to focus on neglected interests or hobbies.

This phase offers an opportunity for self-discovery and personal growth as you rekindle passions that were put on hold during the parenting years.

Related Article: How Do I Let Go Of My Grown Child? 7 Easy Ways!

NOTE: Parenthood isn’t just about raising a child until they reach a certain age; it’s a lifelong commitment. Even after children grow up and become independent, parents often continue to provide support, guidance, and love throughout their lives.

Image via Julia M Cameron

That’s all for today. Now, let’s move toward the conclusion.


What age is it easier to parent?

We have discussed all of the different life stages of a child, along with all the possible challenges parents can face during each stage.

From the above article, it is clear that every stage of parenthood is complex and has its own challenges.

Now, it’s up to you to decide which stage is relatively easier for you to parent, depending on your resources.

I hope this post proves to be helpful for you.

If you still have any questions regarding this topic, don’t forget to mention them in the comment section below.

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