How to Help An Angry Child Calm Down? – 5 Amazing Steps!

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Want to know how to help an angry child calm down?

There’s something definitely HEART-TOUCHING about being in the presence of children.

Their infectious laughter, infinite curiosity, and real expressions of joy can brighten even your dullest.

However, with the joy and laughter, there are moments when children experience emotions that are less pleasant to witness, such as ANGER.

It’s a NATURAL PART of their emotional development.

Still, it can be challenging for both the child and the parents to tackle these unstable moments.

But you don’t need to worry about it!

Today, in this article, we are going to discuss some simple steps you can follow to calm down your angry child.

So, without further ado, let’s begin!

Related Article: How To Explain Anxiety To A Child? | 5 Simple Steps!

Image via Mohamed abdelghaffar

What Fuels Anger in Children?

There are multiple reasons that can fuel anger in children.

These include,

  • Children often experience frustration when they ENCOUNTER CHALLENGES. This can manifest when they face academic difficulties, struggle with a particular task, or encounter limitations in their environment.
  • Fear can also be the reason for anger in children. Fear of failure, rejection, punishment, or unfamiliar situations as a defense mechanism to cope with the threats.
  • Apart from that, children may become angry when they experience disappointment. This could include not getting what they want or feeling neglected.

By identifying these triggers, you can develop healthy coping strategies essential for their development.

Image via Stephen Andrews

How to Help An Angry Child Calm Down?

Parenting can be challenging, especially when you have to calm down an angry child.

However, the process is relatively simple, and you can easily create a peaceful environment if you approach it carefully.

There are some simple steps you need to follow in this regard.

Let’s discuss them in detail!

Model Calm Behavior

MODELING CALM BEHAVIOR is the basic step in helping an angry child calm down.

Children often look to adults as ROLE MODELS when handling emotions. Therefore, demonstrating a calm expression in challenging situations can significantly impact a child’s behavior.

When interacting with an angry child, it’s essential for you to remain COMPOSED and EXHIBIT SELF-CONTROL.

You know what it means?

Listen! It means speaking in a calm tone of voice, maintaining relaxed body language, and controlling facial expressions.

Additionally, you should struggle to MANAGE your emotions effectively, especially in response to the child’s anger.

Becoming visibly frustrated can reinforce NEGATIVE BEHAVIOR in the child.

Validate Their Feelings

Validating children’s feelings is crucial to HELP THEM CALM DOWN when they’re angry or upset.

  • When a child expresses their emotions, it’s essential to listen.
  • Maintain eye contact, nod your head, and provide verbal cues like “I understand” or “I hear you” to show that you’re attentive to their feelings.
  • Put yourself in the CHILD’S SHOES and try to understand the situation from their perspective.
  • Reflect back on the child’s feelings to confirm that you understand what they’re experiencing.

Let the child know that it’s okay to feel angry sometimes.

Offer comfort and reassurance by being physically present and offering hugs if the child is open to them.

Use Distraction Techniques

Distraction techniques can be a powerful tool for helping an angry child calm down.

Distraction works by shifting the child’s attention away from the source of their anger – towards a different, more positive activity or thought.

When a child is upset or experiencing INTENSE EMOTIONS, shifting their focus toward something else can help them break the cycle of anger or frustration.

There are various distraction techniques that can be effective in different situations.

  • One common approach is to engage the child in a favorite activity or hobby that they enjoy.
  • Another effective distraction technique is to introduce a new and exciting stimulus into the environment. This could involve showing the child a funny video, telling a joke, or introducing a new toy or game.
  • Distraction techniques can also involve physical activities that help release bottle-up energy and tension. Taking a short walk, jumping jacks, or other physical exercises can help the child release built-up frustration and calm down.

After distraction, when the environment becomes peaceful, it’s essential to address the underlying emotions and teach the child healthy ways to cope with anger.

How to Help An Angry Child Calm Down?
Image via Ksenia Chernaya

Teach Problem-Solving Skills

Teaching problem-solving skills to an angry child helps them manage their emotions effectively.

By empowering children with the ability to identify problems, find solutions, and make informed decisions. You can teach them how they can earn a sense of control over challenging situations.

Here are some EFFECTIVE STRATEGIES to teach problem-solving skills to an angry child:

  • Encourage the child to speak about what is bothering them.
  • Once the problem is identified, help the child think about different ways to fix it. Tell them to be creative and consider various options before making any decision.
  • Help them evaluate the pros and cons of each solution.
  • Assist in selecting the most appropriate solution (You can discuss different exemplary scenarios in this regard).
  • Support the child in executing the chosen solution.

After executing the solution, it is equally important to encourage your child to reflect on the outcome.

Reinforce Positive Behavior

Anger management in children is not only about ADDRESSING the negative aspects but also ACTIVELY PROMOTING positive behavior.

Positive reinforcement involves rewarding desirable behavior.

It creates an environment where children feel supported, valued, and encouraged to MANAGE THEIR EMOTIONS practically.

Want to know how to reinforce positive behavior?

Verbal praise, rewards, and celebrating achievements are effective ways to reinforce positive coping strategies.

These not only boost their self-esteem but also establish healthy habits for handling emotions in the long term.

Image via Tima Miroshnichenko

Can A Professional Help You in This Regard?

When it comes to managing anger in children, situations may arise where seeking professional involvement becomes necessary.

It’s crucial for you to identify signs indicating that your child’s anger issues may require professional assistance.

Therapists, counselors, and child psychologists help children in addressing their anger issues.

They provide a safe and supportive environment for them to express their feelings, learn coping strategies, and develop healthy ways of managing their emotions.

That is all for today. Now, it’s time to move toward the conclusion.


How to help an angry child calm down? You got the answer, right?

Understanding the root cause of anger is essential to calm down an angry child.

When you identify triggers such as frustration, fear, and disappointment, you can easily develop healthy coping strategies.

Model calm behavior and teach your child essential problem-solving skills. It helps your child learn self-control even in challenging situations.

If you feel that the problem is out of your hands, don’t hesitate to seek professional assistance.

Share your thoughts and experiences with us, and let’s work towards a better future, hand in hand.

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