What Happens To Kids Who Grow Up with Parents Fighting? | 5 brutal Effects

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Other things may change us, but we START and END with the same beautiful moments of our family.

Yet, sometimes, between these beautiful moments, CONFLICTS ARISE. Those disagreements with your partner – with whom you have built this foundation of love and unity – can affect your relationship.

While these fighting may seem like isolated incidents, they can have a deep impact on your child’s well-being.

If you find yourself constantly engaging in fights and disagreements with your partner, you may feel worried about your child.

That leads you to raise a question: What happens to kids who grow up with parents fighting?

Today, in this article, we are going to discuss the impact of parents fighting on their children.

So, without procrastinating any further, let’s dash ahead towards it!

What Happens To Kids Who Grow Up with Parents Fighting?
Image via Alena Darmel

Parental Conflict: Peel Back The Layers

Parental conflict manifests in various forms, with verbal arguments and physical disputes being prominent.

VERBAL ARGUMENTS involve heat exchanges between parents. That is often characterized by,

  • Raised voices
  • Harsh language
  • Verbal aggression

Verbal arguments create an environment of stress and hostility within the house, which impacts the child’s SENSE OF SECURITY.

On the other hand, physical disputes involve direct physical confrontation between parents.

It ranges from pushing to more severe forms of violence.

These conflicts quickly lead to injuries and trauma for both parents and children.

What Happens To Kids Who Grow Up with Parents Fighting?

Growing up with parents who fight frequently can create a challenging environment that affects a child’s life – both in the short and long term.

Let’s discuss some of the expected consequences in detail!

Parental Fighting Can Cause Behavioral Issues

One common manifestation of parental conflicts is the development of behavioral issues. These problems can take various forms, including aggression, disobedience, and withdrawal.

AGGRESSION may arise as children internalize the fighting they witness at home. This leads them to a heightened sense of frustration and anger.

When they cannot express these emotions, they may develop aggressive behavior toward their siblings or parents.

This aggression can manifest physically, through fights, or verbally, through harsh words.

DISOBEDIENCE is another behavioral issue from growing up in a chaotic household.

Children may rebel against rules as a way to assert control in their lives.

WITHDRAWAL is a typical response among children who are exposed to frequent parental fighting.

These children may retreat into themselves as a means of self-preservation.

They may become socially withdrawn, avoiding interactions with friends or family and preferring isolated activities.

Related Article: How Do I Accept Rejection From My Child? | 5 Efficient Ways!

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Parental Fighting Lead Children to Have Difficulty Trusting Others

When children witness their parents constantly arguing or fighting, it creates a SENSES OF INSTABILITY in their immediate environment.

This instability can make kids doubtful about relationships.

They may develop the belief that relationships don’t have enough strength to bear the conflicts.

They feel that they will encounter similar arguments and fights in their interactions with friends and romantic partners.

As a result, these children may struggle to trust others. And because of the lack of trust, they may have difficulty opening up to others or forming deep connections.

And you know, without these, it would be impossible to survive in this lonely world.

Parental Fightings May Increase Stress Levels

When children constantly experience fighting and arguments, they start feeling anxious. This heightened state of stress can trigger physiological responses in the body.

Want to know these physiological effects?

Listen! It increases the level of cortisol – the stress hormone – and you can’t even imagine how harmful it is.

Let me tell you!

Prolonged ELEVATED CORTISOL LEVELS can directly affect the immune system, leading to illnesses and infections.

Additionally, chronic stress can negatively impact cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, and respiratory functions.

Do you want that for your child?

I know you don’t!

Therefore, if you are having fighting, arguments, or yelling at home, try to find a calmer solution to it. Also, remember, never ever argue or fight with your partner in front of your children as you know the impacts already.

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Image via Tim Gouw

Parental Conflict Induces Sense of Insecurity in Child

When parents argue or fight regularly, children may feel their EMOTIONAL SAFETY and STABILITY are compromised.

They may worry about the well-being of parents, themselves, and any siblings involved.


The constant tension can induce a feeling of insecurity.

This sense of insecurity can manifest in various ways in a child’s life.

  • It may affect their ability to focus and perform well academically, as their thoughts may be preoccupied with concerns about their family situation.
  • Socially, they may struggle to form and maintain healthy relationships with friends, as they may be withdrawn due to their insecurity.

Additionally, this insecurity can lead to emotional distress, including symptoms of anxiety and depression.

Apart from that, insecurity can interrupt a child’s trust and safety within their home. They may struggle to feel secure even at home, leading to difficulty relaxing or feeling at ease.

This lack of emotional security can have long-lasting effects on their mental health.

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Image via Steven Arenas

Parental Conflicts Impacts on Child’s Future Relationships

Children closely observe their parents because they consider them as their role models.

They consciously or unconsciously internalize their patterns of behavior.

Suppose they witness unhealthy conflicts, such as verbal or physical aggression, avoidance, or manipulation. They may adopt similar strategies when facing conflicts in their relationships.

Aren’t they?

Children learn about emotional expression by modeling their parents’ behavior.

So, what do you expect from a child who sees their parents fighting over little things?

If they witness their parents communicating aggressively during the fighting, they definitely will adopt such behavior with their partner, and doing so will ruin their future relationships.

That’s all for today. Now, it’s time to move toward the conclusion.


So, what happens to kids who grow up with parents fighting? You got the damn answer, right?

The impact of parents fighting on children cannot be overstated.

From behavioral issues to difficulties in trusting others and increased stress levels, the impacts are profound.

Moreover, insecurity can deeply affect children’s academic performance, social interactions, and overall mental well-being.

Importantly, children follow their parents’ behaviors, so it becomes difficult for them to have a healthy relationship in the future.

Keeping all these things in mind, it is better to have a peaceful environment at home and avoid fighting with your partner over little things, especially in front of your children.

I hope you find this post quite helpful. If this post really helps you, don’t forget to share it with your friends.


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